Wednesday, 3 February 2010


I’m sure you’ve seen loads of articles, reports and blogs on this subject.

I could change the title and just say WHY MOST PEOPLE FAIL, because the reasons that most people fail at MLM are the same as they fail at anything else in life – dieting, learning to play the piano, marriage – you name it, if you have the determination to make something work, you will, if you don’t, it won’t.

Having said that, even if you have the determination, that in itself is not enough.

For instance, dieting – you decide you need to lose weight, so you stop eating – sure, you’ll lose weight, you’ll also die !!!

Not really an effective method, but if you find a good weight loss program and follow it properly you will lose weight. If you cheat and have sneaky snacks when noone’s looking, finish the scraps on the kids plates and don’t do the necessary exercise, you won’t.

It’s that simple.

Follow the programme, don’t skip things and take the necessary actions and you’ll lose weight.

If you do follow all the steps and don’t lose weight, it may be that the programme you’re following may be flawed, but that doesn’t mean that every programme in the weight loss industry is.

MLM is the same.

People who fail at MLM fall into two categories.

They chose the wrong MLM company– there are literally hundreds of thousands of ‘get rich quick’ schemes out there. Some are mass marketed, put your name in the box and the money will roll in, schemes. Oh, if only it was that simple, we would all be millionaires. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy and we’re not !

They chose the right MLM company but didn’t follow the programme – there are some really great companies out there, ethical, organized, professional and successful. These companies care about their distributors, they have great products, great training and support and great compensation plans. To make them work you have to be willing to put in the work and follow the training programme.

The people who fail with a good MLM company weren’t willing to make it work, just like the dieters who failed to lose weight.

So, people who fail blame everyone else but themselves.

They don’t take responsibility and are not willing to put in the effort in order to be successful.

In MLM, in business, in life it takes commitment and hard work to do well.

So, next time you hear someone say these schemes don’t work, ask yourself, “Is it the scheme that doesn’t work, or the person?”

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